SFINKS Symposium - registration is ongoing
We cordially invite you to take part in the fifth edition (first in remote form) of the Symposium on Interdisciplinary Physics in eConomic and Social Sciences.
Rusza 26. edycja Nagrody Naukowej Siemensa
Rusza nabór zgłoszeń do 26. edycji Nagrody Naukowej Siemensa, konkursu organizowanego przez firmę Siemens Polska wspólnie z Politechniką Warszawską. Do wygrania są nagrody pieniężne o łącznej wartości ponad 100 tys. złotych. Dodatkowo przewidziane jest doposażenie laboratoriów ośrodków akademickich, z których wywodzą się zwycięzcy Nagrody Naukowej Siemensa.
Grammarly Premium
To meet your expectations, the Main Library purchased annual access to Grammarly Premium.
Competition for rector's grants for research clubs
Until April 26, 2021, WUT research clubs may submit applications for a rector's grant, financed from a subsidy within the Rector's reserve and the funds of the "Initiative of Excellence - Research University" project. The action is closely related to supporting the development of talented students.
Workshop "XFELs for beginners"
A workshop entitled "XFELs for beginners" will be organized by the Polish Synchrotron Radiation Society together with the Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN) in Krakow and the National Centre for Nuclear Research (NCBJ) which will take place on 27-28 of April.
prof. dr hab. Jan Petykiewicz 1932-2021
On the website you can post memories or condolences.
We teach remotely until the end of the summer semester
On January 27, the Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology issued an ordinance (6/2021), which includes the decision on distance learning at our university by June 14. We would also like to see you already, but unfortunately you still need a little patience.
Psychological assistance at WUT
If necessary, each member of our academic community, both a student and a doctoral student, as well as an employee, has the opportunity to take advantage of the free advice / consultation of a psychologist Dr. Beata Trześniewska (tel. 781 150 453 or via MS Teams by entering the name and surname of the doctor). If you feel anxious don't hesitate to take advantage. Let's survive together strong in this time of the pandemic.
PW in the QS by Subject ranking
In the latest edition of the QS by Subject ranking, we again took first place in Poland in the Engineering & Technology category. In the Natural Sciences category, we maintained our third position in the country.
Welcome at Faculty of Physics
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We are working hard to complete this process as soon as possible.