
Zdjęcie regału z książkami

 Catalog of the Library of the Faculty of Physics of the Warsaw University of Technology 

The profile of the Library's collections is determined by the fields and specializations of studies conducted at the Faculty of Physics:

  • optoelectronics,
  • Medical Physics,
  • materials and nanostructures,
  • computer physics,
  • optical informatics,
  • modeling of complex systems,
  • nuclear physics and technology,
  • nanostructures

Currently, the primary book collection consists of 4,790 volumes.
The library has and provides on-site Polish and foreign magazines:

  • Science World
  • Advances in Physics
  • Polish cardiology
  • Science
  • The European Physical Journal

The special collections of the Library include master's and engineering theses. This collection has over 900 items and can be accessed on site at the Library.