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Warsaw University of Technology
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Konkurs na stypendium w projekcie na pracę magisterską / Open Position for a master's student with a scholarship
Konkurs na stanowisko asystenta w grupie pracowników badawczo-dydaktycznych w dziedzinie nauk ścisłych i przyrodniczych w dyscyplinie nauki fizyczne w Zakładzie Półprzewodników na Wydziale Fizyki
Postdoctoral Research Associate position in Experimental Heavy-Ion Physics within the STAR experiment
Stanowisko post-doc - współpracownika badawczego w dziedzinie eksperymentalnej fizyki zderzeń ciężkich jonów w ramach eksperymentu STAR.
Ogłoszenie o stypendium naukowym w ramach realizacji projektu OPUS-21 UKSW
Ogłoszenie o rozstrzygnięciu konkursów na objęcie stanowisk doktoranta – stypendysty
Konkurs na stanowisko doktorant - stypendysta/ PhD student w ramach projektu ALPHORN - polsko-szwajcarskie projekty badawcze
Electronics specialist at the Electronics Laboratory of the Faculty of Physics.
Primary School in Warsaw looking for a physics teacher
Physics teacher at Primary School
Physics teacher at High School Królowej Jadwigi in Warsaw
We invite students to cooperate in the CHANCE project
Physics teacher at Primary School
Competition for the position of teaching assistant professor in the Semiconductors Division of the Faculty of Physics
C ++ programmer job / internship offer
Postdoctoral research position in the AEgIS group at Warsaw University of Technology
Competition for a doctoral student - scholarship in the NCN Preludium BIS project
Competition for student internships at The Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences (ICHF)
Competition for a scholarship for a master's thesis / MSc student in the ALPHORN project
Competition for the position of an assistant professor in group research-and-teaching Faculty of Physics
Postdoctoral position in experimental Heavy-Ion Physics offered at the Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology for activity in the STAR experiment at RHIC
Competition for a Doctoral Scholarship funded by the National Science Center as part of the NCN Preludium BIS project
Physics teacher at Primary School
Physics teacher at secondary school
Physics teacher at Primary School
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