Recruitment for 2nd stage studies

Persons intending to undertake 2nd stage studies at the Faculty of Physics should register in the online system at and pay the registration fee by August 27, 2021. In the case of Technical Physics, you should declare your preferences regarding the choice of specialization. Candidates for studies are required to submit the required documents to the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Physics by September 3, 2021.

List of documents:

- a diploma of completion of first stage studies with a supplement or a declaration of graduation containing the date of graduation and the course of studies,

- curriculum vitae, taking into account education, employment and possible professional experience,

- possibly a declaration of specialization preferences and language certificates,

- 2 current photos (in accordance with the requirements for issuing ID cards with dimensions of 35x45 mm) signed on the reverse with your name and surname,

- proof of payment of the enrollment fee

- identity document (available for inspection).