Scientific promotions
List of doctoral degrees awarded by the Council of the Faculty of Physics and the Scientific Council of the Discipline of Physical Sciences
Law on higher education and science, art. 186:
- A doctoral degree is awarded to a person who:
- has the professional title of magister, magister engineer or an equivalent or has the diploma referred to in art. 326 paragraph. 2.2 or article. 327 paragraph. 2, giving the right to apply for the award of a doctoral degree in the state in which the higher education system is operated by the university that issued it;
- obtained the learning outcomes for qualifications at PQF level 8, while the learning outcomes in the field of modern foreign language are confirmed by a certificate or diploma of graduation, confirming the knowledge of this language at the language proficiency level of at least B2;
- has a record of at least:
- 1 scientific article published in a scientific journal or in peer-reviewed materials from an international conference, which in the year of publication of the article in its final form were included in the list drawn up in accordance with the regulations issued on the basis of art. 267 paragraph. 2 point 2 lit. b, or
- 1 a scientific monograph issued by a publishing house that was included in the list drawn up in accordance with the regulations issued under Art. 267 paragraph. 2 point 2 lit. a, or a chapter in such a monograph, or
- an artistic work of significant importance;
- presented and defended her doctoral dissertation;
- met other requirements specified by the doctoral entity.
- In exceptional cases, justified by the highest quality of scientific achievements, the doctoral degree may be awarded to a person who does not meet the requirements specified in paragraph 1 point 1, who is a graduate of first-cycle studies or a student who has completed the third year of uniform master's studies.
List of habilitated doctor degrees awarded by the Council of the Faculty of Physics and the Scientific Council of Physical Sciences Discipline
Law on higher education and science, art. 219:
- The habilitation degree is awarded to a person who:
- holds a doctoral degree;
- has a track record of scientific or artistic achievements, which constitute a significant contribution to the development of a specific discipline, including at least:
- 1 a scientific monograph issued by a publishing house that was included in the list drawn up in accordance with the regulations issued under Art. 267 paragraph. 2 point 2 lit. a, or
- 1 series of thematically related scientific articles published in scientific journals or in peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, which in the year of publication of the article in its final form were included in the list drawn up in accordance with the regulations issued on the basis of art. 267 paragraph. 2 point 2 lit. b, or
- 1 realized original design, construction, technological or artistic achievement;
- demonstrates significant scientific or artistic activity carried out in more than one university, scientific institution or cultural institution, in particular foreign ones.
- The achievement referred to in point 1.2 may be part of a collective work if the development of a separate issue is an individual contribution of a person applying for the degree of habilitated doctor.
- The obligation to publish does not apply to achievements, the subject of which is protected by classified information.
List of professor's academic titles awarded at the proposition of the Council of the Faculty of Physics and the Scientific Council of the Physical Sciences Discipline
Law on higher education and science, art. 227:
- The title of professor may be awarded to a person who meets the requirement referred to in Art. 20 paragraph 1 point 5 and:
- holds the academic degree of habilitated doctor and:
- outstanding domestic or foreign scientific achievements,
- participated in the work of research teams implementing projects financed by national or foreign competitions or completed research internships in scientific institutions, including foreign ones, or conducted scientific research or development work at universities or scientific institutions, including foreign ones,
- holds a postdoctoral degree in art and outstanding artistic achievements
- holds the academic degree of habilitated doctor and:
- In exceptional cases, justified by the highest quality of scientific or artistic achievements, the title of professor may be awarded to a person holding a doctoral degree. The provisions of point 1 shall apply accordingly.
- The achievement referred to in point 1 or 2, may constitute the realized original design, construction, technological or artistic achievement.