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Postdoctoral Research Associate position in Experimental Heavy-Ion Physics within the STAR experiment
Job Description
The successful candidate is expected to play a leading role in studies of angular and femtoscopic correlations of heavy-flavor hadrons in the STAR experiment. The successful candidate will be employed as a research assistant professor at the Faculty of Physics at WUT, within the project Study of quark-gluon matter properties using heavy-quark correlations, funded by the National Science Centre, Poland, for an initial period of 12 months. The contract can be extended up to 18 months, provided the satisfactory outcome of the evaluation after the first 12 months.
- PhD in experimental particle or nuclear physics
- Strong programming skills in C/C++ and/or ROOT
- Experience in data analysis
- Fluency in English, both written and verbal
Employment status
This is a full-time, 100% research position, without any teaching obligations.
7500 PLN per month (before taxes).
How to apply
Applications and/or any questions should be sent electronically to Dr Daniel Kikoła. Please include the phrase 'postdoc STAR' in a subject of your email.
Applications must include:
- a CV of a candidate*,
- brief statement of research interests,
- a list of talks and up to 5 most important publications (indicating contribution of a candidate to those publications),
- two letters of reference, to be sent by referees directly to
The National Science Centre, Poland, policy states that postdoctoral research associate appointments may be made to individuals who have received their PhD within the past 7 years.
Selection process
The final choice of candidates will be made on a competitive basis, based on assessment of research achievements, scientific skills and an interview with the best candidates.
This position will be open until filled. To receive full consideration, applications should be submitted by September 10, 2022.
*Please include the following statement in your CV:
„I hereby give consent to process my personal data included in the offer, for the purposes of the recruitment procedure, in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (Consolidated text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland, 2016, item 922, as amended).”
The Heavy Ion Collision Group at the Faculty of Physics at Warsaw University of Technology participates the STAR experiment at RHIC, ALICE at the LHC and the NA61/SHINE at SPS in CERN. The STAR group at WUT consists of 5 staff members and a number of PhD, MSc, and BSc students working in the group during realization of their theses. The STAR group specializes in measurements of heavy-flavor hadron production, and in correlations analysis (femtoscopic and angular correlations). We closely cooperate with the ALICE group at WUT.
Notice on protection of personal data:
Pursuant to Article 13 of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as: "GDPR"), we inform you that:
* The Warsaw University of Technology, Pl. Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa, Poland (further referred to as the „University”), is the administrator of your personal data. For further details on personal data processing you can contact the data protection officer:
* Personal data of the candidates are processed for the purposes of carrying out the recruitment procedure.
* Members of the relevant recruitment committees are recipients of the personal data of the candidates.
* Personal data of the candidates will be processed until the recruitment procedure is concluded. Access to your personal data may have companies that Warsaw University of Technology commissions to perform activities that involve the processing of personal data. Your data will be deleted after 6 months.
* The candidates have the right to request from the University access to their personal data and the right to amend them.
* The candidate may at any moment withdraw the consent to process personal data. The data will then be irretrievably and effectively destroyed, so that they can no longer be accessed or reconstructed by any means, and the candidature shall not be further taken into account in the recruitment procedure.
* In any case, the candidate has a right to file complaint to the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data, Stawki 2, 00-193 Warszawa, Poland, phone: (+48) 22 531 03 00, fax: (+48) 22 531 03 01, e-mail: