Postdoc position (NCN OPUS)

For A. Kisiel NCN-OPUS 2022/45/B/ST2/02029 „Związana antymateria. Oddziaływanie silne antybarionów w eksperymentach ALICE i AEgIS w CERN”.

Assistant Professor position in the Heavy-Ion Physics Group related to experimental study of matter-antimatter bound states

Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) is a technical research university with traditions in education dating to the 19th century, being the oldest of its kind in Poland. It is a forward-thinking institution where high-quality education meets world-class research and innovation. WUT is ranked number one among all technical universities and number three among all universities in the country.

The Heavy Ion Collision Group at the Faculty of Physics at Warsaw University of Technology participates in the AEgIS at AD, ALICE at the LHC, NA61/SHINE at SPS in CERN, STAR experiment at RHIC, and HADES and CBM at FAIR. The group consists of 6 professors and a number of PhD, MSc, and BSc students doing their theses.

The group specializes and coordinates the efforts of physics with antiprotonic atoms and searches of bound matter-antimatter states at different energies from very low (exotic atoms) to the highest energy frontier at the LHC.

Job Description

The successful candidate is expected to play a leading role in studies of bound matter-antimatter baryonic systems. Especially, its tasks will be oriented to study the dynamics of the proton-antiproton system.

The successful candidate will be employed as a research assistant professor at the Faculty of Physics at WUT, within the project “Bound antimatter. Strong interaction of antibaryons in ALICE and AEgIS experiments at CERN”, funded by NCN (National Science Center), for an initial period of 24 months. The contract can be extended up to 12 months, provided a satisfactory outcome of the evaluation after the first 24 months.


  • Recent PhD in photonics, atomic, nuclear or particle physics focused on ions, exotic atoms, spectroscopy.
  • C++, C, ROOT, Python, LabVIEW
  • Experience with experimental techniques and instrumentation of atomic, nuclear and particle physics
  • Good presentation skills
  • Good command of English

Salary: 140 000 PLN per year (before taxes).

How to apply

Applications, reference letters, and/or any questions should be sent electronically to Agata Celej-Brożyńska ( . Please include the phrase 'bound matter-antimatter’ in the subject of your email.

Applications must include

  • a CV of a candidate,
  • a brief statement of research interests,
  • a list of talks and up to 5 most important publications (indicating the contribution of a candidate to those publications),
  • one reference letter

To qualify, a candidate must have received a PhD in experimental particle or nuclear physics within the last 7 years.

Selection process

The final choice of candidates will be made on a competitive basis, based on the assessment of research achievements, scientific skills, and an interview with the best candidates.

This position will be open until 6th of December 2024


Please include the following statement in your CV:

„I hereby give consent to process my personal data included in the offer for the purposes of the recruitment procedure in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act dated 29.08.1997 (Consolidated text: Journal of Laws of the Republic of Poland, 2016, item 922, as amended).”